

Piazza della Signoria, Piazza de' Pitti, Piazza San Pier Maggiore, Piazza SS. Annunziata, Piazza d' Ognissanti, Piazza della Passera, Piazza Indipendenza, Piazza San Firenze, Piazza Santo Spirito, Piazzale Donatello, Piazza Beccaria, Piazza de' Donati, Piazza Garibaldi, Piazza delle Cure, Piazza del Carmine, Piazza della Repubblica, Piazza San Lorenzo, Piazza d'Azeglio: a fascinating journey through some of the most beautiful squares in Florence in a perfect synthesis of fantasy and history.

The authors involved, "following the criterion of empathy", intended to recount the memories or more simply the sensations linked to a place in the city, sometimes more well-known, others less so.

Cristina Acidini, Laura Baldini, Monica Bietti, Franco Cambi, Ermelinda M. Campani, Gianni Caverni, Daniela Cavini, Giovanni Cipriani, Riccardo de Sangro, Claudio Di Benedetto, Paola Ficini, Sandra Landi, Mariangela Molinari, Leonardo Nozzoli, Lucia Serracca, Manila Soffici, Maria Tinacci Mossello, Ulisse Tramonti.

edited by Riccardo de Sangro

«Shadows and history» abound in the squares of Perugia;   all the texts in the volume bear witness to this, from the tragic events from the Etruscan and Roman era of the bellum perusinum, to the resistance to Totila's Goths, to the bloody conflicts between nobles and between nobles and bourgeois, to the wars of rebellion against the papal power, with consequent demolition of the papal fortresses, beautiful and majestic, rejected and obstinately obliterated. Perugia boasts a thousand-year history of civilizations that have followed one another and overlapped since the 7th-6th century. B.C. until today on the same hill or rather on the two original hills, then joined, at an altitude of almost 500 m. above sea level. […] All this and more appears in the texts of the volume, conveying a deep bond between the authors and the city and in particular with that part of it that is most experienced and frequented, which led us to choose that very square. Sometimes the pride of belonging shines through, whether for being born there or having lived there as a young person or an adult. But there is no lack of a critical point of view towards the change and the risk of degradation compared to how it was in memory, when we began to know and love it.
Maria Rita Silvestrelli, Tiziana Biganti, Lorena Rosi Bonci, Ruggero Ranieri, Anna Mori,Alberto Stella, Giordana Benazzi, Franco Mezzanotte, Francesco Trabolotti, Enzo Cordasco, Mauri­zio Stefanelli, Elvio Lunghi, Giovanna Battaglini, Roberto Fioroni, Gianfranco Maddoli, Italo Mari­nelli, Emidio De Albentiis,Riccardo de Sangro, Mauro Monella.
edited by  Lorena Rosi Bonci


«Reuniting one's memories, returning to distant episodes, also entailed choices; that is, identifying a particular place, the scene of an event, real or imagined, that we thought was lost and which suddenly resurfaces in our memory. No choice was random; each is linked to an important part, or even a single day, of one's life, lost in time and which, through a strange game of memory, unexpectedly resurfaces: a morning with a parent, the encounter with a love even undeclared , a colleague at school or at work, everything is there in front of us as if the time spent had been magically cancelled. More often, in truth, they are the places that transmit the spell of memories: the house of an ancestor where a happy childhood was spent, the neighborhood where one was born, the place of one's studies. In this case everyone returned to a particular area of ​​the city: squares and streets with monuments and centuries-old stories but also a small clearing, just a fold of the urban fabric where our memory remained entangled, held back by an event which, over the years, has kept its importance and its memory intact"

edited by Francesco Divenuto, Clorinda Irace, Mario Rovinello

Piazza Amendola, Piazza Carolina, Piazza San Carlo all'Arena, Piazza San Gaetano, Piazza Amedeo, Piazzetta Pietrasanta, Largo Tarsia, Piazzetta Salazar, Piazza de Filippo, Piazza Monteoliveto, Piazzale Tecchio, Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, Piazza Salvatore di Giacomo, Piazza National. Thus continues the journey through the squares of Naples in a perfect synthesis of fantasy and history. New authors, and younger ones at that, have intended to tell the memories or more simply the sensations linked to a place in the city, sometimes better known, other times less so. As in the previous volume, there is no lack of some ghost or some element of magical realism which increases the pleasure of reading, just as the historical rigor of the initial presentation sheets of the squares is present, rich in "precision, synthesis, good documentation", such as to also accompany a willing “foreign” eye
edited by Francesco Divenuto, Clorinda Irace, Mario Rovinello

To quote Massimo Troisi, there's no two without three. And we are not referring to the perfect number, its esoteric interpretation or its meaning in the Catholic religion; nor, much less, to Napoli's scudetto. We are talking, much more modestly, about the third volume dedicated to the Neapolitan squares, an editorial project that has exceeded all expectations of success so much so that it has been taken up, with enthusiasm and with an interesting public response, also by other cities (Florence, Benevento, Perugia, Ravenna , Rome). In the Neapolitan case, this third volume wants to carry forward a discussion begun with the first and continued with the second, in which each contribution is characterized by two aspects: the reading of an urban place and a story, a memory, a literary invention that has that place as “protagonist”

Pasquale Borghese, Gianpaola Costabile, Riccardo de Sangro, Francesco Divenuto, Clorin­da Irace, Anna Chiara Menditto, Maria Rosaria Nappi, Dario Nicolella, Antonio Pedicini, Massimo Rippa, Giovanni Spina, Maurizio Vitiello
edited by Francesco Divenuto, Clorinda Irace, Mario Rovinello

The triumphal march that led Napoli to the victory of the Scudetto, the third in its history, in the 2022-2023 championship is an avalanche. Match after match, the awareness grew that this was the right opportunity. And so the city began to dream and to make felt, like an avalanche, the infinite love towards the football team and its colours. Squares, streets, alleys, crossroads, buildings, balconies, windows: with great spontaneity for long weeks the long-awaited and much-desired party began. This book offers the reader a treasure chest of emotions to experience and on which to reflect at the same time, as historians, sociologists and journalists have tried to do, whose considerations precede the many images that have made these weeks unforgettable. This is an unfinished, open book, because each reader will undoubtedly trigger their own emotions and considerations from these "many" points of view.

edited by  Silvio de Majo e Mario Rovinello
interventi di Domenico Condurro, Peppe Iannicelli e Claudio Roberti