Art Walls No. 3

Serrao Gallery 

Rue Jules Valles 16 - 93400 St. Ouen, Parigi (Francia)


The “Pareti ad Arte” exhibition project was born from the idea of ​​working and interacting with space and within space understood as a transparent page ready to welcome the drawing of the reality that surrounds us, thus imagining other areas of the mind and memory within which every type of diversity can be brought to life in dialogue with the chosen place. In the development of this project there is obviously the atmosphere of existing contradictions which continually cancel themselves out, highlighting one's individual stories and dreams of greatness. Today creative production grows qualitatively, art is linked to individual perception and manual discontinuity. This is the product of artists and their sensibilities who use various languages ​​to produce signs in the modification of the concept of communication with the secret aim of enlisting the spectator in the fascination of the dream. The awareness is that art, be it painting, sculpture or photography, has now freed itself from all constraints, the artist has acquired a serene mobility that neutralizes any excitement for the pure and simple recovery of technique. With this cycle of exhibitions, which will involve the two branches of the Serrao Gallery, we also want to open a more diverse and pluralistic artistic and cultural debate, we intend to bring information and contradictions from the world from great experiences.

They exhibit:

Vincenzo Borrelli, Nando Calabrese, Salvino Campos, Iole Capasso, Gian Luigi Gargiulo, Barbara La Ragione, Angelo Marra, Kiha Moore, Ivan Piano, Francesca Rao, Paula Sunday, Luisa Terminiello

Pareti ad Arte n. 3
a cura di Tiziana Gelsomino
con il contributo di Fabio Donato e Carmine Rezzuti
Serrao Gallery – sede di Parigi
Dal 10 al 24 gennaio 2016