Exhibition by Gaetano Di Riso

"And Adone doesn't know it...": Gaetano Di Riso's exhibition at MANN Twelve canvases and two wooden installations to reinterpret the statue of Adonis of Capua

Agora shadows and history in the squares of Naples

«Reuniting one's memories, returning to distant episodes, also entailed choices; that is, identifying a particular place, the scene of an event, real or imagined, that we thought was lost and which suddenly resurfaces in our memory. No choice was random; each is linked to an important part, or even a single day, of one's life, lost in time and which, through a strange game of memory, unexpectedly resurface: a morning with a parent, the encounter with a love even undeclared , a colleague at school or at work, everything is there in front of us as if the time spent had been magically cancelled. More often, in truth, they are the places that transmit the spell of memories: the house of an ancestor where a happy childhood was spent, the neighborhood where one was born, the place of one's studies. In this case everyone returned to a particular area of ​​the city: squares and streets with monuments and centuries-old stories but also a small clearing, just a fold of the urban fabric where our memory remained entangled, held back by an event which, over the years, has kept its importance and its memory intact"