
Artisti seen by Nando Calabrese e Tony Stefanucci

Caffè dell’Epoca in Piazza Bellini 14 febbraio 2008

On Thursday 14 February 2008, at 5pm, in the Red Room of the Guide Bookshop in Portalba, Tony Stefanucci's video "In search of lost art" will be screened. The presentation and debate will be coordinated by Vitaliano Corbi. Nicola Oddati, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Naples, will speak. The video made in 1994 is proposed again as testimony to a past, albeit a more recent one, and almost as a "historical" document of a situation which in some respects appears to have changed today. Some of our greatest artists - from Augusto Perez to Luca, from Domenico Spinosa to Luciano Caruso and Gianni De Tora - have unfortunately passed away in the meantime. In Naples there is now a Museum of Contemporary Art and a Palace of the Arts. The number of private galleries has grown considerably, while some periodic events in public spaces have aroused broad and lively interest. Yet when one considers the contradiction between the vitality of an artistic culture profoundly renewed during the second half of the twentieth century and the shadow in which it continues to be confined by public institutions and private operators too involved in the interests of the "official arts system", it must be admitted that the video of Tony Stefanucci, who documented that contradiction, still has an exceptional relevance. At 8pm, the end of the screening and debate, the exhibition of photos "Artists" seen by Nando will be inaugurated in the Caffè dell'Epoca, in Piazza Bellini Calabrese and Tony Stefanucci.

Libreria Guida
via Port’Alba, 20 – Piazza Dante